Southlake Carroll Target Team Achieves 4th Place at SCTP Nationals & New Skeet Record!

3 Aug 2024 by Jeanne Briggs

Southlake Carroll Target Team Achieved 4th Place Overall High School in Skeet at SCTP Nationals in Marengo Ohio 7/17-7/20/24.
The Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) Nationals tournament culminates in July each year with lots of clays, special team bonding and meeting other athletes from all over the country. Athletes representing 735 High Schools from across the U.S. competed and Southlake Carroll Target Team (SCTT) achieved 12th Place Overall High School and 4th place Overall High School in Skeet! This means SCTT is in the Top 1.5% of High Schools that competed in Skeet! Go Dragons!

And HISTORY WAS MADE AGAIN WITH A NEW SKEET RECORD, beating last year’s score by 5! This year’s score of 589 is THE HIGHEST SKEET SCORE that Southlake Carroll Target Team has ever posted at SCTP Nationals! Below are the totals through the years (out of 600). Outstanding Job, Dragons!!
2024: 589!
2023: 584
2022: 563
2021: 579
2019: 545
2018: 583

High School Skeet Shoot Off Details:
There was a 3 way tie among High Schools in Skeet for 4th, 5th and 6th place. Only 4th and 5th place teams receive hardware while the 6th place team does not. The SCTT team of Dominic Marotta, Andy Shahidi and Natalie Briggs had a combined score of 589/600. They were in a highly anticipated Skeet shoot off with high school teams from Wisconsin and Georgia. After a long awaited shoot off that was delayed and delayed over an hour+, then eventually postponed until the next afternoon, the pressure was on. Dominic, Andy and Natalie persevered and won the shoot off with 17/18 clays broke and took 4th place! Due to a systems glitch, awards were not handed out at Nationals (final results were emailed out to all on 8/2/24); awards will be shipped to the team instead.

Charlee Pei – 96
Keller Hindt – 91

Natalie Briggs – 99
Wyatt Hinckley – 97
Keller Hindt – 93

Garrett Briggs – 96

Charlee Pei – 80

Keep scrolling and reading for other Personal Bests at the bottom!

SHOUT OUTS TO NEW STRAIGHTS ACHIEVED – Athletes will receive Pins:
Natalie Briggs Skeet – 75 Straight

Wyatt Hinckley Skeet – 75 Straight
Natalie Briggs Trap – 50 Straight

Among our 12 team athletes who attended, the team shot straight totals of:
Skeet – 25 straight: 30! Dominic 6, Natalie 5, Wyatt 4, Andy 4, Abby 3, Blake 3, Ross 2, Garrett 1
Skeet – 50 straight: 4! Abby, Dominic, Andy and Ross
Skeet – 75 straight: 3! Natalie, Wyatt and Dominic
Trap – 25 straight: 15! Ethan 3, Ross 3, Natalie 2, Abby 2, Charlee 2, Garrett 1, Dominic 1, Andy 1
Trap – 50 straight: 2! Natalie and Ross
Trap – 75 straight: 1! Ethan

SCTT had 4 ‘All State’ athletes representing the State of Texas this year, more than any previous year: Dominic Marotta, Garrett Briggs, Ethan Thomason and Blake Tyler – CONGRATULATIONS!
A total of 5 athletes from each discipline, Skeet, Trap and Sporting Clays, represent each State at Nationals and this is a big honor. SCTT has had an athlete or two represent each year; however this year was a record with 4 athletes from SCTT plus we had an additional 2 athletes that were on the cusp (see SCTP State Results write up for more information).

All Scholastic Team: Congratulations to Ethan Thomason who was selected for the 2024 All Scholastic Team! CONGRATULATIONS!

High School Team HOA Results – Team came in 12th out of 735 High School Teams
Top 5 Contributors to the High School Team Results are:

SKEET (out of 200):
Dominic Marotta – 198 = 99 & 99
Andy Shahidi – 196 = 97 & 99
Natalie Briggs – 195 = 99 & 96
Wyatt Hinckley – 193 = 96 & 97
Abigail Hinckley – 193 = 97 & 96

TRAP (out of 200):
Ethan Thomason – 189
Garrett Briggs – 187
Wyatt Hinckley – 186
Charlee Pei – 185
Abigail Hinckley – 185

SPORTING CLAYS (out of 200):
Andy Shahidi – 183
Garrett Briggs – 167
Ethan Thomason – 167
Blake Tyler – 166
Dominic Marotta – 164

DOUBLES TRAP (out of 200):
Charlee Pei was the only team member who chose to shoot this event and she shot 147, with a Personal Best of 80.

DOUBLES SKEET (out of 100) – Top Team Members:
Garrett Briggs – 96
Blake Tyler – 93
Dominic Marotta – 91
Ethan Thomason – 90
Wyatt Hinckley, Keller Hindt and Charlee Pei all shot 89

Top 20 Individual Finishes Nationally:
Mens IE:
20th Sam Wilson – 177

Men JV:
13th Wyatt Hinckley – 193
17th Ethan Thomason – 192

Men Sr Varsity:
14th Dominic Marotta – 198

Ladies Sr Varsity:
13th Natalie Briggs – 195

Men IE:
17th Sam Wilson – 157

Ladies JV:
9th Charlee Pei – 156

Ladies JV:
18th Charlee Pei – 147

Men JV:

18th Ethan Thomason – 90

Men Sr Varsity:
20th Garrett Briggs – 96

Ladies JV:

4th Charlee Pei – 89

Southlake Carroll Target Team had 12 athletes who participated in SCTP Nationals this year. For 4 of the athletes, this was their first time attending this event: Sam Wilson, Charlee Pei, Keller Hindt and Blake Tyler. We hope you enjoyed it and spread the word for next year!

Last, It Takes a Team and other Personal Bests (or you may also call it a Series of (Unfortunate) Shotgun Events.
Blake Tyler’s shotgun of 6 years decided to break 3 days before Nationals. Blake borrowed Riley Franks’ gun for Nationals.
However it was discovered that Riley Franks never cleaned his chokes… FILTHY! Luckily Dad (Travis Franks) cleaned Riley’s gun for him or it would have been much worse! ;)
Blake ended up borrowing Natalie Briggs’ gun for a lot of Nationals, when squadding would allow.
Blake used Riley’s gun for Sporting Clays, use Natalie’s shotgun for all Skeet and Doubles Skeet, used Will Altom’s, Sam Wison’s, Keller Hindt’s and Ethan Thomason’s guns for Trap!
Dominic Marotta borrowed Natalie Briggs’ shotgun for Trap on Day 1 due to a locked case and key at hotel 30 minutes away in his pants pocket. Sam Wilson has an undiscovered talent and was able to pick one lock but not both. Great work, Sam!
Wyatt Hinckley was shooting Skeet and on Station 8 High House, he smashed a clay (yay!) however a small part of the clay landed in Keller Hindt’s barrel unknowingly. Keller dismantled shotgun, SAFETY is 1, and saw something orange down the barrel, it was Wyatt’s broken clay. Andy Shahidi had to use his pinky finger to clear it out and a brush to get the rest out.
Andy Shahidi’s Krieghoff trigger supposedly was fixed by a gunsmith before Nationals but it instead caused more issues. During Sporting Clays, both shells were stuck and wouldn’t eject and the trigger came loose. It went in for repair to the Nationals Krieghoff team for repairs and when they heard Andy was in a Skeet shoot off, they prioritized his repair so he did receive in time.
Charlee Pei’s shotgun pin was being held in her gun by duct tape for all of Nationals!
Sam Wilson’s chamber doesn’t close all the way when loading shells. When Blake borrowed it, a new lesson was learned about how to use Sam’s gun.
Garrett Briggs foregrip was rattling during all of Nationals but it lasted.
The most used shotgun of the week was Natalie Briggs Fabarm Syren. We calculated over 1,300 rounds were shot with her gun, making it very hot, especially during Doubles Skeet. A new PB!
99% sure that Abigail Hinckley and Ross Wilson were the only two athletes who had shotguns that left Nationals unscathed.
Through grit and grin, they were all VERY resourceful and accomplished a lot!
Go Dragons!

Scores provided by mysctp, other than the Other Personal Bests a.k.a. A Series of Unfortunate Events.

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